Tuition fee €300 per year

€300,00 fee applies for students residing outside Italy
+ Stamp duty € 16.00
+ Regional tax €160,00

More information 


The master’s degree course in Civil Engineering (class LM-23, 120 credits) is offered by the Department of Engineering and Architecture and provides advanced preparation in the field of civil engineering, integrates and perfects knowledge and skills already acquired with the achievement of the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. With the three curricula in “Protection from seismic, hydraulic and environmental risk”, “Structures, planning and building redevelopment” and “Infrastructures, transport and territory” both the typical aspects of civil engineering (structural, building, infrastructural and of transport), and the environmental one (hydraulics, hydraulic constructions, environmental resources, pollution, etc.).

Lesson start date: 25 september 2023

Programme structure

The Study Plan is the path that includes all the educational activities (courses, laboratories, etc.) that must be carried out in order to obtain the degree.

Career opportunities

The main job opportunities provided by the master’s degree course in Civil and Environmental Engineering concern:

- professional studios and design companies for works, systems and infrastructures;
- construction and maintenance companies for civil works, systems and civil infrastructures;
universities, research institutions and higher education schools;
- public offices for design, planning, management and control of urban and territorial systems;
- companies, bodies, consortia and agencies for the management and control of civil works and services systems;
- service companies for the study of the urban and territorial impact of infrastructures;
- enterprises, companies and service companies, public offices, bodies, consortia and management agencies for the survey and control of the territory.

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application deadline
20 Dec 2024, 23:59:59
Central European Time

Studies commence - 23 Sep. 2024

Apply now! Spring semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Mar 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application deadline
20 Dec 2024, 23:59:59
Central European Time

Studies commence - 23 Sep. 2024

Apply now! Spring semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Mar 2024