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University of Trieste

Italy, Trieste    See a map
Piazzale Europa, 1 - 34127 - Trieste, Italia.

Study in Trieste

Your choice of university is crucially important for your future and is therefore an extremely significant personal investment that should be carefully considered in order to obtain an academic qualification that guarantees real value for your professional career.

The principal ambition of the University of Trieste is to prepare the future class of leaders and professionals for a world of work in which the required level of knowledge and preparation changes every day. Adaptability to change and continual learning are among the main values that we emphasise. For many years, the University has held a leading position in the ranking of Italian universities, while it is one of the few Italian institutions also found in international rankings. Recently, UniTS received the highest assessment of ‘very positive’ on the MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) scale, placing the University in Band A. rettore di lenarda

We invest extensively in programmes that offer students international opportunities through agreements with other European and world universities that can provide high quality education and rich personal development.

The range of first and second level degrees, together with the PhD and specialisation courses, as well as the excellent staff-student ratio that ensures students can actively participate in their learning, guaranteeing access to internships, laboratories, libraries and study facilities, are all key strengths that distinguish the University of Trieste from other top institutions.

The exceptional beauty of the city of Trieste offers a lively environment which has flourished once again in recent years with renewed interest in Research, Culture and Science. The city was chosen to host ESOF 2020, the most important European occasion focusing on the debate within science, technology, society and politics. The quality of life is enviable; there are a multitude of student events, and a great variety of sports and cultural activites with prestigous theatres and high-profile artistic occasions.

It will be a great pleasure to welcome you to our University and support you through your personal development, always ready to embrace any suggestion or stimulus to improve.

Study in Trieste

Your choice of university is crucially important for your future and is therefore an extremely significant personal investment that should be carefully considered in order to obtain an academic qualification that guarantees real value for your professional career.

The principal ambition of the University of Trieste is to prepare the future class of leaders and professionals for a world of work in which the required level of knowledge and preparation changes every day. Adaptability to change and continual learning are among the main values that we emphasise. For many years, the University has held a leading position in the ranking of Italian universities, while it is one of the few Italian institutions also found in international rankings. Recently, UniTS received the highest assessment of ‘very positive’ on the MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) scale, placing the University in Band A. rettore di lenarda

We invest extensively in programmes that offer students international opportunities through agreements with other European and world universities that can provide high quality education and rich personal development.

The range of first and second level degrees, together with the PhD and specialisation courses, as well as the excellent staff-student ratio that ensures students can actively participate in their learning, guaranteeing access to internships, laboratories, libraries and study facilities, are all key strengths that distinguish the University of Trieste from other top institutions.

The exceptional beauty of the city of Trieste offers a lively environment which has flourished once again in recent years with renewed interest in Research, Culture and Science. The city was chosen to host ESOF 2020, the most important European occasion focusing on the debate within science, technology, society and politics. The quality of life is enviable; there are a multitude of student events, and a great variety of sports and cultural activites with prestigous theatres and high-profile artistic occasions.

It will be a great pleasure to welcome you to our University and support you through your personal development, always ready to embrace any suggestion or stimulus to improve.

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BEarth Sciences for Sustainable Development
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
BElectronic and Computer Engineering
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture
BArtificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
BEconomia e gestione aziendale
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics
BForeign Language and Literature
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities


MData Science and Artificial Intelligence
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
MScientific and Data-Intensive Computing
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
MEconomy, Environment and Development
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
MGeophysics and Geodata
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences


Department of Mathematics and Geosciences

MData Science and Artificial Intelligence
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
MScientific and Data-Intensive Computing
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
MGeophysics and Geodata
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
BEarth Sciences for Sustainable Development
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences
BArtificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences

Show all

Department of Life Sciences

Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
MGlobal Change Ecology and Sustainability
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
MFunctional Genomics
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
MMarine and Coastal Environmental Science
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
BBiological Sciences and Technologies
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Life Sciences

Department of Engineering and Architecture

MEngineering for the Energy Transition
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture
MMaterials and Chemical Engineering for Nano, Bio, and Sustainable Technologies
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture
MCivil Engineering
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture
MElectrical Energy and Systems Engineering
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture
MMechanical Engineering
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture
MNaval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics

MEconomy, Environment and Development
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics
MBusiness Strategy, Consulting, and Logistics
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics
MMarketing and Management
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics
MStatistical and Actuarial Sciences
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics
MEconomia, Ambiente e Sviluppo
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics

Department of Political and Social Sciences

MEuropean Policies for Digital, Ecological and Social Transitions
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Political and Social Sciences
MDiplomacy and International Cooperation Studies
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Political and Social Sciences
MGovernmental Sciences and Public Policies
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Political and Social Sciences
BPolitical and Administrative Sciences
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Political and Social Sciences
BInternational and Diplomatic Sciences
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Political and Social Sciences

Department of Humanities

MForeign Languages, Literatures and Cultural and Literary Tourism
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities
MSocial Work, Social Politics, Planning and Management in Social Services
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities
MManagment of Educational Services
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities
MHistory. From Antiquity to Today.
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities
BForeign Language and Literature
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Humanities

Show all

Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
SCPharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Department of Physics

Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Physics

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies

MSpecialised Translation and Conference Interpreting
Postgraduate, full-time
Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies
BApplied Interlinguistic Communication
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies
BInterlinguistic Communication Applied to Legal Professions
Undergraduate, full-time
Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies

Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences

BHealth Assistance
Undergraduate, full-time
Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences
BBiomedical Laboratory Techniques
Undergraduate, full-time
Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences
