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MMaterials and Chemical Engineering for Nano, Bio, and Sustainable Technologies

Tuition fee €300 per year

€300,00 fee applies for students residing outside Italy
+ Stamp duty € 16.00
+ Regional tax €160,00

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This program is tailored for bachelor graduates in Industrial Engineering or other technical and scientific degrees, seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in materials science and engineering, and in chemical and process engineering.

Our interdisciplinary approach will provide you with the necessary tools to understand material properties, performance, and production, and design processes using the most appropriate materials in emerging sectors such as:

- nanotechnology and biotechnology
- sustainability and renewable energy
- modern industry

Lesson start date: 25 september 2023

Programme structure

The curriculum includes all educational activities (classes, workshops, etc.) that must be taken to obtain a degree.


Career opportunities

Advanced materials and advanced processes are recognized by the European Union among the key enabling technologies for innovation. It is not surprising, then, that graduates in materials and chemical engineering are much appreciated in all job markets: the figure above is just a partial glimpse of the companies, research centers and universities where our graduates ended up working, fostering our broad network of collaborations.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment